In workplaces all over the world, employees have said that they would perform better in their jobs and be more engaged with consistent feedback. We hear this consistently in staff surveys and from our Staff Committee and Staff Advisory Committee as well. Our Performance Development program is one way to guarantee that every Williams employee gets clear feedback and clearly articulated goals.
The program includes written goals and an annual evaluation; we also train supervisors to use more informal coaching conversations throughout the year. Our trainings on the program emphasize the value that both supervisor and supervisee can get from candid conversations that are designed to continuously improve performance while strengthening their trust relationship with each other. Through this program, we hope to support staff not only in doing their best work in their current jobs, but also in adding more value to Williams over time and meeting their long term career goals.
Information about the program, including forms, step-by-step instructions, and resources for training and support, can be found on our website.